I would like a cheese burger please…

I would like a cheese burger please…

Ivan, one of our lovely patients talks about his experience at Dental Concepts with Dr Manish Chitnis.

I cannot highly recommend Dental concepts enough, I live in Guernsey Channel Islands and was a Member of our Guernsey Parliament as a senior Minister of Sport and still am involved with many television and newspaper interviews.

So, I had four mini implants fitted some 12 years ago for the simple reason no one in Guernsey could help me when I lost four front teeth only recommend false teeth which I did not want however the mini implants I had fitted within a week served me well following my trip to London Harley street

However, in March of last year sadly I lost two mini implants and my seven-tooth bridge fell out leaving me in a mess I had a temporary denture made which I am still wearing and causing me a great of stress with gluing it sometimes four times a day

I approached 2 dental specialists in Guernsey and one in Jersey yet all I got was negative comments I had lack of bone & nothing could be done I was so so distressed I looked on the web and saw Dental concepts in Andover with Manish Chitnis and read his experience. When I contacted him, he could not have been more helpful even though he had not seen me yet, he gave me hope.

I went over to Southampton and had a long meeting with Manish who gave all his advice and help;  yes my case was difficult but Manish never gave up

I came away and a few days later telephoned him on his private phone which he was kind enough to let me have, Manish gave me a possible way forward that he was willing to do subject to various further tests however his personality, honesty, understanding gave me hope I could have a fixed cemented small denture again so I went over again by plane.

Manish worked extremely hard after explain the what may or may not be possible however he managed to put one implant in my gum and put a bone graft on the rest.

He has given me so much hope that in January I will have another two implants then a couple of months later a fitted fixed denture.

This gentlemen Manish is a true professional kind helpful gives you confidence I would highly recommend him and is great personal staff who have always also been extremely helpful to me Manish helps me to relax even if it will have taken months.”

This was till last year and now he has a full set of fixed teeth with dental implants. One of the things Ivan mentioned during his treatment that he had not had a cheese burger for over a year and that was something he would love to bite into once he had his fixed teeth back!

So here we are on the day when his new teeth were fixed, We ordered him a Macdonald’s Cheese Burger. Dr Manish with Ivan and his burger in the picture below…

“May I wish Dental concepts all the very best they are fantastic to to me and I am sure to all their clients.” – Ivan

Dental Implants have not only improved his smile and function but also his speech as well. Thank you Ivan for allowing us to help you and very excited to see you smiling once again.

From all of us at Dental Concepts.
