Improving Your Smile and Your Career

Improving Your Smile and Your Career

Your smile can be a powerful tool, particularly when it comes to realising your full potential in your chosen career. Having nicely maintained teeth is an essential part of being well-groomed and it can help boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. This is because smiling is an important part of communicating with others. Imagine if someone presents a great idea or simply greets you when you come into the office, your immediate reaction will be to smile and acknowledge them; this is not so easy if you feel like hiding your teeth because you’re embarrassed of the way they look. If you’re finding you are becoming increasingly self-conscious about your teeth then it could be worthwhile investing in a smile makeover. 

Why a Nicer Smile Could Help Boost Your Career

If you feel like your career is in the doldrums then improving your smile could help. While it can’t improve your CV, it will absolutely help you create a better impression at an interview. A healthy white smile can help knock years of your appearance and more importantly it will help you feel amazing. If your confidence is high then you’re more likely to feel like you can achieve your aims and can land the job of your dreams. Any potential employer will perceive your confidence as being a sign of enthusiasm and energy, while a nice smile conveys openness, warmth and honesty. 

Book Your Smile MOTivation with Manish

Quick and Easy Improvements or a Complete Smile Makeover – It’s Your Choice

Of course not everyone wants to spend ages having a complex smile makeover, but often this might not be necessary. Using the most advanced techniques and materials, we can frequently improve the appearance of a smile relatively quickly. However, one of the main things is to make sure your teeth look well-maintained and healthy. This shows you care about your appearance, so start with a check-up and cleaning and we can chat to you about how to potentially improve your teeth. Cosmetic dental treatments that can help include getting rid of old and stained fillings, and teeth whitening is a great way to quickly boost the appearance of a smile. A white and healthy grin can definitely help open doors, both professionally and personally.

If you are interested in making more substantial changes, porcelain veneers might be the solution. These are custom designed to create a cosmetically perfect smile that compliments your facial features. Treatments can also be combined. For example you may wish to whiten your teeth before deciding to opt for just a few veneers. This will cover up any teeth that do not respond to tooth whitening or that are oddly shaped or cracked or chipped. Veneers can also help to close up or minimise spaces in between teeth. If you didn’t have the opportunity for orthodontic treatment as a child then it’s never too late to straighten up. Modern braces i.e. Invisalign are often just about invisible and cosmetically oriented braces can deliver results within just a few weeks or months.

Improving the appearance of your teeth could be a worthwhile investment in your career and our amazing dentists at Andover can make sure you have a healthy and attractive smile. If you’re interested in learning more then why not contact us? Book your consultation now to to discuss your options. Drop into our new practice at 132 Weyhill Road, Andover, SP10 3BE or call us on 01264 313 999.

Who knows, it might just help you take your career to the next level.
