Diabetes & Gum Disease Can Be Double Trouble!

Diabetes & Gum Disease Can Be Double Trouble!

HAVE YOU EVER HEARD your favourite music performed live? You likely noticed things that often don’t come across in a low-quality recording—the exact texture of the instruments and richness of the sound, for example. The parts of our auditory system that pick these things up are delicate, and can be dulled by trauma or disease.

What does this have to do with brushing your teeth?

A lot, actually! Research is making it clear how far-reaching the benefits of good oral health are, including links to reduced risk of hearing loss.

It All Begins With Bacteria

Our mouths are home to billions of microbes of many different species. Many of them aren’t anything to worry about, but some of the more harmful microbes in dental plaque cause inflammation and tooth decay. If not removed by regular brushing and flossing, these bacteria will work their way into the bloodstream through infected, irritated gums.

Once inside the circulatory system, they inflame and narrow blood vessels in other parts of the body. When blood vessels that feed the auditory system are restricted, the fragile “hairs” that pick up sounds in the inner ear—called stereo-cilia—can be damaged, leading to hearing loss. And here’s the kicker: stereo-cilia don’t grow back.

3 Keys To Managing Oral Health And Diabetes

  1. Stay in touch with your doctor AND with us. Follow your doctor’s diabetes management plan, and relay any changes in your condition. Make sure your doctor has our contact information and keeps us informed as appropriate. Keep your regular dental checkup appointments.
  2. Control your blood glucose level. Monitor your blood sugar level and use medications as recommended. The better you manage your blood sugar, the less likely you will be to develop gum infections.
  3. Establish good oral care habits. Brush twice a day, gently massaging and cleaning gums. Floss at least once daily. If you smoke, quit. Please talk with us if you have any questions about brushing or flossing techniques!
  4. Regular Hygiene Appointments. Every six monthly or yearly hygiene sessions will keep the disease in check and with proper maintenance help in complete eradication of the condition. Make sure you book with our hygienists regularly.

Let Us Help You Manage Diabetes

We understand that living with diabetes presents a host of extra things to think about every day. We want to ease that burden by providing personalized care to our diabetic patients. If you know someone with diabetes, share this information with them!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of your health-conscious lifestyle.

We treasure our relationship with you as a patient and a friend!
