Cerec – 1 Visit Restoration

$11.11 onwards

Our dentists use CEREC technology so you can be in and out in a single visit with a permanent, all-ceramic crown, onlay, or veneer! For you, the dental patient, this means fewer injections, less drilling, and less time out of your hectic schedule for dental care.


Our dentists use CEREC technology so you can be in and out in a single visit with a permanent, all ceramic crown, onlay, or veneer! For you, the dental patient, this means fewer injections, less drilling, and less time out of your hectic schedule for dental care.

Single Appointment Dental Care
Most dental restorative methods require more than one visit to the dentist.

This means that on the first visit, you get an injection of local anesthesia, your tooth is prepared, an impression taken, and a temporary restoration put on your tooth.

You make a second appointment for a couple of weeks later, get another injection, have the temporary prised off (if it hasn’t fallen off already), and have a permanent restoration put on.

Why go to the dentist a second time when you don’t have to? With CEREC, the procedure is done in a single appointment, start to finish.

Finest Dental Materials

CEREC tooth restoration isn’t just convenient, it is also healthy. Many years ago, dentists had few options to repair decayed and damaged teeth other than amalgam, gold, and other metals. With CEREC, our dentists can use strong, tooth colored ceramic materials to restore your teeth to their natural strength, beauty, and function.

These materials closely match the composition of natural tooth structure. This means when you eat hot food and then drink something cold, the restoration and tooth expand and contract at almost equal rates. So, your tooth does not crack, and you can go on enjoying your evening.

Also, the materials are chemically bonded to your tooth, so your dentist can save as much healthy tooth tissue as possible while providing you with a dental restoration that strengthens your tooth.

Smile Enhancement

Your dentist can use CEREC for more than just crowns and fillings. CEREC is capable of producing any single tooth restoration. Chipped or discolored front teeth can be repaired with beautiful CEREC porcelain anterior crowns or veneers. Your smile makes a lasting first impression. Enhance it with CEREC.

Worldwide, a CEREC restoration is placed every 20 seconds. With a history of nearly 20 years, this equipment has helped dentists place over 6 million restorations. Using metal free materials that are the closest to your natural enamel, CEREC gives you the highest quality restorative care. Ask our dentists today about single visit CEREC restorative care!

For further patient information and to watch movies, click here

Enlighten Premium Teeth Whitening

sEnlighten Evolution Premium Whitening is a combination treatment meaning that there is a 2 week home treatment followed by a 1 hour visit to the dentist.
It works by increasing the tooth‘s permeability to oxygen which breaks down stain molecules. It is one of the world’s best performing teeth whitening treatment and guarantees long lasting excellent results if done correctly, with low sensitivity.
Dental Concepts is the Enlighten Regional Centre For Excellence for Hampshire which means all the dentists and the team are well trained in providing the treatment efficiently and we means the all the premium standards required to be a Centre of Excellence.

Frequently Asked Questions for Enlighten Teeth Whitening

Enlighten Whitening can whiten up to 16 shades. Results vary, but if used correctly all teeth will whiten dramatically.
Natural teeth rarely look too white. Sometimes very white crowns can look wrong because they are made of porcelain.

No, sometimes you may need to change some of these after whitening.

It is completely safe. The materials used in Enlighten Whitening have been used in dentistry for over 100 years. You may get some sensitivity, however your dentist will give you easy to use desensitising swabs to take home, which will work immediately. You will also receive a tube of Tooth Serum toothpaste to brush with while you wait for your trays. This also helps with sensitivity.

Two weeks after the dentist delivers your Enlighten Whitening trays. These are thin and comfortable and must be worn in bed for 14 nights. Then on the 15th day you need to see us for the second treatment, which takes only 40 minutes.
Results can last indefinitely with some very simple maintenance. Wearing the trays for 1 night every other month. Continuing to brush with Tooth Serum Toothpaste will also prolong results.

Enlighten Teeth Whitening Demonstration

Dr Manish Chitnis, principal Dentist, Dental Concepts, explains the premium teeth whitening system, Enlighten Smiles. It is one of the best teeth whitening systems available and includes a combination of home and in office whitening. It is guaranteed to give some amazing results.