
£80 onwards

Dentures are an alternative to missing teeth. Custom designed to fit in your mouth, dentures ensure comfort and seem as natural as possible. There are two types of dentures – Complete & Partial.

Complete dentures are advised when maximum natural teeth are missing, whereas partial dentures are recommended when some natural teeth are missing. Complete Dentures fit over the upper teeth and roof and on the lower teeth placed like a horseshoe. These dentures may be removed during the night for cleaning and worn again the next day.

Partial Dentures consist of replaced missing teeth attached to artificial gum connected by a metal framework which helps to hold the denture in place. Missing teeth can change the position of other teeth hence partial denture help to overcome this problem and keep the teeth intact. These must not be removed at home. 



Two types of dentures are available -complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. However, at Dental Concepts, based on the initial discussion with the patient, the current level of oral health, a thorough examination of the patient’s teeth, we recommend the dentures required.

The steps involved are:

  1. Dental examination – The Dental Concepts Dentist examines the patient’s teeth and determines the state of the patient’s oral health. The dentist identifies any signs of infection, tooth decay, previous dental work that may hinder the denture process and highlights the same.
  2. Making the dentures – Post consultation, the Dental Concepts Dentist creates a mould of the teeth and measurements to ensure that the dentures fit perfectly. Once approved, these are sent to a dental lab to build the dentures to the specifications.
  3. Fitting the dentures – Thepatient is requested to come to the Dental Concepts clinic for denture fitting in the presence of the Dental Concepts Dentist. Any concerns/clarifications are addressed by the Dentist.
  4. Adapting to dentures – Adapting to dentures may take time especially while eating and speaking. However, once comfort sets in, the patient will experience function and control as with regular teeth.

Post Treatment care and instructions

Dentures require proper oral hygiene so that they last long. While wearing dentures every day may take some time for a patient to adjust to, ensuring proper oral hygiene is crucial to maintain dentures in the best condition possible.
This involves:

  1. Using a specific type of brush and a liquid solution to clean the dentures every day so that the material of the dentures is intact.
  2. Soaking the removable dentures in the solution every night.
  3. A patient without teeth must brush his/her gums at least twice a day with toothpaste or as advised by the Dentist.
  4. Brushing the tongue along the roof of the mouth is equally important.

Patients also need to be careful with the dentures.

  1. Avoid dropping the dentures on the counter or ground in the bathroom. While dentures are sturdy, they are not unbreakable.
  2. If the patient needs repairs on dentures of any kind, it is crucial to call the Dental Concepts Dentist and seek assistance.
  3. Attempting to repair the dentures without professional expertise can result in catastrophic results.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are placed after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has begun to heal. The average time taken to place a conventional denture is about eight to 12 weeks after the teeth have been removed.
Immediate denture as the name suggests, are created in advance and can be positioned as soon as the teeth are removed. As a result, the patient does not have to be without teeth during the healing period. However, bones and gums shrink over time, especially during the healing period following tooth removal. Therefore a disadvantage of immediate dentures compared with conventional dentures is that they require more adjustments to fit properly.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are recommended when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. The Dental Concepts Dentist fixes a bridge, replaces one or more teeth by placing crowns on the teeth on either side of the space and attaches artificial teeth to the same. The bridge is cemented so that it prevents other teeth from changing position. Dental implants can be used to support cemented bridges. The cost may seem high however the implants and bridges resemble the feel of real teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

The first step is to meet the Dental Concepts Dentist. After discussion, evaluation, and understanding your concerns, you will be advised on the way forward to restore and replace teeth, including dentures for even the most complex cases. The Dental Concepts Dentist will be able to help determine if another treatment option might be more suitable for your particular situation.

There are two types of dentures – complete and partial. As the name suggests, the dentures that replace all the teeth are known as complete dentures and they rest on the gums that cover the jawbones. The dentures that replace some but not all of the teeth are known as partial dentures.

Denture fees depend on various factors, including the complexity of your treatment and the time required to complete the treatment. At Dental Concepts we offer interest-free financial assistance based on the timeline and overall cost of the treatment.

We suggest that you meet the Dental Concepts Dentist to discuss the care you may need.

Yes, you may wear your dentures at night but they should be removed as this will give your gums and bone a chance to relax from the pressure of the dentures during the day.

Most patients need to learn how to use dentures properly and as a result, it takes a little time to get used to them. After a while, you should be able to eat fairly normally, but it may take more time to get comfortable with harder foods or sticky foods. Please note that dentures and chewing gum do not usually work well together. The gum typically sticks to the acrylic plastic in the denture and may break a seal which may loosen them as a result.

Initially, it’s normal to experience minor irritation and discomfort. However, over time your gums will get accustomed to the dentures. A regular visit to your Dental Concepts Dentist to adjust the dentures as you go through the normal healing process is recommended.

If your dentures no longer fit well, you may need to have a procedure done to refit the base of the denture, called a“reline”. Your Dental Concepts Dentist will check and confirm if the process is required or not.

“Permanent dentures” are retained by screws or dental cement onto dental implants and are clipped on over the implants. Typically, the soreness should be resolved within two weeks; if it persists, likely something in the denture needs to be adjusted.

Yes, it is possible to have your teeth removed and dentures put in the same day. These dentures are called immediate dentures and you should talk to your Dental Concepts Dentist to evaluate if that treatment is the best for you.

You must contact the Dental Concepts Dentist to understand the reason as it may vary in every case. Usually, the lower denture is much less stable than the upper denture. This is due to the shape of the gums on the lower ridge and the movement of the denture caused by the tongue.

The Dental Concepts Dentists are highly trained in matching the closest colour and shade of your natural teeth. You must set the expectation at the consultation stage and approve the treatment once you are convinced.

Research shows that once the teeth are removed, the jaw bone shrinks and changes shape. Typically, dentures should be checked every year, and often they should be remade when they lose their fit and are loose in your mouth after 5-10 years of use. By using dental adhesive, you may have masked the loose fit of your dentures. Even though you have adapted to these dentures, you are not receiving the function and appearance you deserve.

Your dentures may be ill-fitting or the position of the implants may not be the most favourable. Usually, this can be resolved by improving the fit of the denture or by adding (more) implants. Your Dental Concepts Dentist can help you in resolving this.

If you are using your denture adhesive correctly, there should not be a lot of adhesive left on your gums and palate when you remove your denture. Patients use a variety of methods to remove the adhesive: a piece of gauze, a tissue, a damp washcloth, or a wet toothbrush. Use no more than three or four pea-sized dabs of adhesive on each denture

Dentures must be handled correctly so that they last you long.

  1. Whitening process – Please note that it is not possible to whiten dentures like natural teeth because dentures are made of plastic. To minimize staining, properly clean your dentures daily to remove food and plaque bacteria. Your Dental Concepts Dentist will explain the cleaning process in detail. Please note that under any circumstances you must not use bleach on your dentures.
  2. Brushing process: Please do not brush your dentures with normal toothpaste as they are designed to be used on natural teeth. You should use a washing liquid and a special denture brush to clean your dentures by hand every day. After rinsing them thoroughly, soak your dentures in a water-based cleaning solution overnight as suggested by your Dental Concepts Dentist.
  3. Repairing broken dentures: In case of any damage to the dentures please contact your Dental Concepts Dentist immediately.

mangesh ghate

May 14, 2020 via Google

Very professional and best in class service guaranteed. Well trained and lovely staff who are treating thier patients with love and care. Great work!!

Jack Pitt

February 20, 2020 via Google

very very happy with the service received. I had the Invisalign treatment and nothing but professional service and the after care is even better. Couldn’t be happier and have recommended to everyone I know!!!

michelle moore

February 18, 2020 via Google

Dr Manish and his team at Dental Concepts have gone the extra mile to help me with my dental problems. All the staff have been friendly and efficient, but Dr Manish in particular, has displayed the quality skills of a surgeon with a kindness of heart that is rarely seen these days. A thorough examination awaits you in an immaculately clean and well presented, state of the art practice. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Michelle Moore.

Lucy Harris

December 22, 2019 via Google

Recently my 62 year old ‘milk tooth’ broke off leaving me with the dread of having the root taken out. Manish was amazing, knowing me from previous treatments, he explained that he would build a new tooth on the remains of my old one. The work was done in an hour, the result was amazing, I couldn’t tell the difference from the one next to it. No pain, no stress and truly wonderful just before Christmas to have my smile back. Manish is an amazing person and outstanding dentist. I have no hesitation in recommending the services of Dental Concepts to anyone, especially nervous patients or anxious patients.

Laura Leadbeater

November 28, 2019 via Google

Had an implant fitted and cannot be more happier with my wellbeing & confidence – Superb service! 😀 Great team Xx

Michael S C Herbert

November 20, 2019 via Google

Phoned in an emergency after extreme pain and my regular dentist not caring that 4 more days was unmanageable, having rang several others that only seemed concerned about booking me in for a check. To my delight and suprise this was no problem for them. Their only concern was that I was in extreme pain and despite anti biotics and pain killers this had not subsided for 72 hours, I was asked to come in immediately for an x ray and immediate extraction. No one like the dentist but I officially love this team now, I will be recommending it to family, friends and all those who read this review.

Acrylic denture 1-3 teeth


Acrylic denture 3-9 teeth


Acrylic denture 9+teeth


Full upper and lower acrylic denture


Full upper or lower chrome denture


Partial chrome denture


Flexi denture (valplast)


Denture repair
