Why Is The Roof Of Our Mouth Bumpy?

Why Is The Roof Of Our Mouth Bumpy?

Donna Vayle, our excellent Treatment Coordinator, recently gave a talk about teeth at her daughter’s school. And it was fun with some amazing questions asked by the kids! (One of them used as the Title of this blog 🙂 )

Donna talks about her visit at the Hurstbourne Church Of England Primary School… 

My daughter attends Hurstbourne primary school and as such I was asked by her teacher Mr. Jenkins if I could arrange a visit, to come in and speak to reception class about my job, as they are currently learning a topic on ‘people who help us’. They had previously had a policeman and the air ambulance in.

There were 16 children in reception class, sitting on the carpet, waiting for me.  I made sure I wore my uniform! They had already prepared a question each.  These ranged from the expected “Is it alright to eat chocolate?” to the more in depth “why is the roof of our mouth bumpy?”

After I had answered all their questions, I showed them some tooth models, mouth mirrors and photos of the practice and surgeries. One of the photos was of Manish and Shilpa, one child pointed out that they looked married!  Which is good, seeing that they are?

We then did an activity together; I had laminated a picture of a smile and made some of the teeth stained with a whiteboard marker. The children had to wear their mask (that I provided) and use a toothbrush to clean the teeth. They loved playing dentist; so much so that the teaching assistant photocopied one of my smiles, to make their own laminated copy with!

We finished by taking some selfies of each other holding up a Easter bunny prop, the teacher  Mr. Jenkins and Teaching assistant Mrs. Mills even took a selfie.

The children loved finding out about the dentist and were very interested and engaging.  I felt my visit benefited the children by showing them that we are here to help not hurt!”
