Five things you should know about having your teeth replaced at Dental Concepts

Five things you should know about having your teeth replaced at Dental Concepts

Here at Dental Concepts in Hampshire we offer patients trusted tooth replacement treatments like dental implants, dental bridges and dentures.

You may have heard of some of these before and we would be happy to explain how they work in detail at your next appointment which you can make by calling us on 01256 893 517

Here are five things we would like you to know about what can be done about missing teeth:

1. The impact

Gaps in your smile can affect your self esteem and really knock your confidence, which can have a big impact on all aspects of your life. From the way you look to how you speak and eat, missing teeth or gaps can have a serious overall impact. At Dental Concepts we have helped many patients with this over the years, click here to see what one of our patients had to say about her treatment!

2. Bone loss

Tooth loss can happen for a few reasons; whether it’s through trauma, because of gum disease or simply due to the adult tooth never actually emerging, there is one thing in common – a missing tooth will lead to bone loss around it. This is why it is important to fill the gaps in your smile where possible, to avoid losing more teeth in the same area. There are also a number of solutions for bone loss, including bone or gum grafting or using disguising techniques on your crowns or other appliances.

3. Implants

Dental implants are fast becoming the preferred method of treatment for missing teeth because they are safe, tried and tested and as close to natural teeth as you could get. The treatment consists of a titanium screw placed in the jawbone where the root of a tooth would be. Once the bone has grown around the screw and is holding it in place, an artificial tooth or special denture can be fitted onto it. Dental implants are a very safe method of treatment as lots of research has been done about them and the dentists who place them undergo a lot of training to ensure they are properly qualified to carry out the treatment. At Dental Concepts we use Osstem and Ankylos Implants for their trusted product and clinically proven outcomes.

4. Crowns and bridges

Another way to replace missing teeth is through crowns and bridges. A damaged tooth may benefit from a crown (or cap), which is a treatment that uses some of the existing tooth and placing an artificial one over the top. Crowns are usually used in instances where a tooth is broken or weakened by decay. Crowns can also be used to create a bridge over a gap in your smile.

5. Smaller gaps

Veneers or composites can be used to make the final perfections to a smile but they can also be used to help close gaps that you may have due to small teeth. Veneers are very thin layers of porcelain that fit over the front of the tooth and composite is a dental material that can be used to build up teeth in a similar way. Both treatments can be used where gaps need to be closed or if a tooth has been broken.

Our team members Dr’s Fadi Barrak, Manish ChitnisShilpa Chitnis, R Beena Assraff and Prashanthi Dokuru have trained and qualified to deliver teeth replacement treatments to a high standard at Dental Concepts.

You will also be pleased to know that we are offering FREE dental implant consultations worth £150!

If you have any questions about having your teeth replaced with one of the treatments highlighted in this post, be sure to book an appointment with us today to discuss your options and payment plans.

Drop into the practice at 67 Winchester Road, Whitchurch, Hampshire, RG28 7HW or call us on 01256 893 517
