Got a question about teeth straightening? Here are some answers!

Got a question about teeth straightening? Here are some answers!

Here at Dental Concepts in Hampshire we often see patients who are unhappy about the alignment or positioning of their teeth. During an initial consultation, we discuss all the treatment options and payment plans available.

We are proud to offer Invisalign as our preferred teeth straightening system and to also answer any questions that people have.

To help you, we have put together the top questions we are asked most frequently.

Dr Manish Chitnis works on our teeth straightening cases and has given many a patient a beautifully aligned smile. Manish is qualified to deliver this treatment due to training directly with the Invisalign company and has been fitting clear aligners for over three years. Here are a few questions Manish has answered for us:

Question: How long will it take to straighten my teeth?

Dr Manish Chitnis: Traditional orthodontic treatment takes one to two years because it will move all of the teeth into alignment. However, there are numerous systems available now that work in a much quicker time frame. Many of these focus on the ‘aesthetic six’, which are the teeth that are seen at the front of the mouth. Many adults prefer to choose these methods, which can take as little as six months in some cases, as they have less impact on social and work life and people will hardly notice you’re having treatment… unless you tell them!

Here at Dental Concepts we offer Invisalign

Question: Which orthodontic system is better for me?

Dr Manish Chitnis: When you come in to see us for a consultation, we will be able to advise on the right treatment for you. This will depend on how much work needs to be undertaken in order to achieve the smile of your dreams. You need to be aware that not every orthodontic system will suit every single patient, so you should speak to us about the concerns you have and what you expect to achieve at the end of it all.

We will usually be able to recommend more than one solution for you, based on the results you’d like to see and the work that is required, so it is a good idea to ask lots of questions to make the right decision before moving forward.

Question: How can I prevent tooth decay when I have braces?Question: How can I prevent tooth decay when I have braces?

Dr Manish Chitnis: Orthodontic treatment requires extra care and attention when it comes to your oral hygiene routine. This is because you are introducing something new into the mouth, which ultimately creates even more spaces for food and bacteria to hide in.

You will need to visit your hygienist on a regular basis for professional removal of the plaque and deposits that will formulate in places that are hard to reach yourself. We will advise you on the best toothbrush to use that will suit your orthodontic appliance.

They will also suggest interdental brushes to use instead of dental floss, and smaller brushes that can be used around brackets, if you have them. It is important to keep on top of your oral hygiene while undergoing orthodontic treatment but there are numerous aids available to help you with this.

You will also be pleased to know that we offer FREE Invisalign consultations!
If you have any questions about having your teeth straightened, be sure to book an appointment with us today to discuss your options and payment plans.

Drop into the practice at 67 Winchester Road, Whitchurch , Hampshire RG28 7HW or call us on 01256 893 517
