Mouth Cancer Awareness Month

Mouth Cancer Awareness Month

All of November 2017, we are supporting the Mouth Cancer Action Month for awareness of oral cancer and how with a simple few steps, we can check and prevent this deadly disease.

Anyone can be affected by mouth cancer, whether they have their own teeth or not. Mouth cancers are more common in people over 40, particularly men. However, research has shown that mouth cancer is becoming more common in younger patients and in women.

In the last year more than 7,000 have been diagnosed with mouth cancer in the UK – an increase of more than a third compared to a decade ago.

We do a comprehensive 35 point check during the first consultation of the patient which also includes oral cancer check, as it is very important to catch the problem very early.

Your Support For The Cause

This year in the UK, around 7500 people will be given the life changing news that they have mouth cancer.

We can support the cause of mouth cancer awareness by wearing the blue badge all this month. They are available for sale (minimum £1) at the welcome desk. All proceeds go to the charity and the practice will match the total collections donating for this important cause.

