Nervous Patients

At Dental Concepts, we recognise many people may feel anxious and nervous about visiting the dentist – this is perfectly normal to us! We often hear that a trip to the dentist can cause anxiety for some people, especially when the mind wanders to thinking of all the procedures and tools involved.


At Dental Concepts, we recognise many people may feel anxious and nervous about visiting the dentist – this is perfectly normal to us! We often hear that a trip to the dentist can cause anxiety for some people, especially when the mind wanders to thinking of all the procedures and tools involved.

Most do have to mentally prepare themselves and muster up strength to walk into a clinic, nevermind planning an interaction with a Dentist!

At Dental Concepts, we are unique in our approach as we believe in creating an experience for our patients. Our trained medical staff are experienced in addressing all possible questions and concerns you might have concerning your treatment and we are skilled and prepared for dental anxiety and want to always ensure your visit is as pleasant as possible.

A Dental Concepts, we offer two options:

  • The Wand
  • Sedation


Steps involved in getting the treatment done

The Wand

Experience Painless Injections.

It may sound too good to be true and we Dentists know that  many patients hate “the needle”. The answer, a small hand piece that looks like a pen controlled by a computer allows the dentist to anaesthetise even the most difficult tooth virtually painlessly!

We know that some patients get more nervous than others at the mere sight of a needle and syringe. That’s where the CompuDent system comes in, featuring the Wand – a small lightweight handpiece that resembles a pen. The computer controlled system allows for an even-flow delivery of anesthetic in a very comfortable, non-threatening manner. It eliminates the “bee sting” affect – the painful consequence from a surge of fluid into a confined tissue area. Even more, certain injections made possible with the Wand minimize the unnecessary numbness of the tongue, cheek, and face. Imagine leaving the dentist’s office without a “fat lip!


You become drowsy and unaware of any treatment, but you are still able to co-operate with the dentist. The effects of sedative medicine take some time to wear off and your dentist will tell you how long the drugs will take to clear from your body. You won’t be able to drink alcohol, drive or work machinery during this time.

The most important first step is to have a consultation with a Dental Concepts Dentist.
As you walk into the clinic, you will be asked to take a seat in a safe and relaxed environment. Next, the Dentist will listen to your concerns, difficult experiences of the past, explain the treatment process and help you decide the appropriate treatment for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

All the FAQs for the treatment.

Dentist Phobias are very common!
Lots of research shows that patients can have negative or discouraging memories of dental visits from their childhood -this can be from the smells, sounds and even the decor.
Each person’s phobia and that fearful feeling means different things to different people. We always do the best we can to ensure each case is treated uniquely and independently.

You can be helped to feel relaxed by ‘relative analgesia’ sometimes known as inhalation sedation. This means breathing in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen (‘laughing gas’) which quickly leads to a pleasant, relaxed feeling. The dentist puts you at ease at the same time, by talking softly and suggesting what you feel. You remain conscious all the time, although you may be a little drowsy, and any treatment given causes you no discomfort. You breathe in the mixture through a nosepiece, which is very comfortable. You can’t overdose on the gas, as the mixture quickly leaves the body if you breathe in one or two breaths of ordinary air. There are no after-effects either, and you can drive a car after about 15 minutes. Many dentists use this safe and effective technique.

When we are faced with a challenge or something we’re afraid of, such as a visit to the dentist, our bodies produce substances, which raise our anxiety. However, we can train our bodies to work against this anxiety, by learning to relax. It’s not possible to be anxious and relaxed at the same time, so learning relaxation helps control our anxiety.

Quick tips or care instructions for the treatment.

Top Tips to Help Nervous Patients

  • Find a trusted, recommended Dentist and arrange to meet your dentist for a chat beforehand
  • Let your dentist know of your nervousness so they have a full understanding of how to help
  • We always recommend an early appointment time – so you do not dwell on it for the whole day!
  • Bring a friend or family member with you!
  • Still young enough for a comfort blanket? Take it! Younger children or adults should consider bringing their favourite bear or doll!
  • Establish a hand-sign or signal so your dentist to stop during treatment

mangesh ghate

May 14, 2020 via Google

Very professional and best in class service guaranteed. Well trained and lovely staff who are treating thier patients with love and care. Great work!!

Jack Pitt

February 20, 2020 via Google

very very happy with the service received. I had the Invisalign treatment and nothing but professional service and the after care is even better. Couldn’t be happier and have recommended to everyone I know!!!

michelle moore

February 18, 2020 via Google

Dr Manish and his team at Dental Concepts have gone the extra mile to help me with my dental problems. All the staff have been friendly and efficient, but Dr Manish in particular, has displayed the quality skills of a surgeon with a kindness of heart that is rarely seen these days. A thorough examination awaits you in an immaculately clean and well presented, state of the art practice. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Michelle Moore.

Lucy Harris

December 22, 2019 via Google

Recently my 62 year old ‘milk tooth’ broke off leaving me with the dread of having the root taken out. Manish was amazing, knowing me from previous treatments, he explained that he would build a new tooth on the remains of my old one. The work was done in an hour, the result was amazing, I couldn’t tell the difference from the one next to it. No pain, no stress and truly wonderful just before Christmas to have my smile back. Manish is an amazing person and outstanding dentist. I have no hesitation in recommending the services of Dental Concepts to anyone, especially nervous patients or anxious patients.

Laura Leadbeater

November 28, 2019 via Google

Had an implant fitted and cannot be more happier with my wellbeing & confidence – Superb service! 😀 Great team Xx

Michael S C Herbert

November 20, 2019 via Google

Phoned in an emergency after extreme pain and my regular dentist not caring that 4 more days was unmanageable, having rang several others that only seemed concerned about booking me in for a check. To my delight and suprise this was no problem for them. Their only concern was that I was in extreme pain and despite anti biotics and pain killers this had not subsided for 72 hours, I was asked to come in immediately for an x ray and immediate extraction. No one like the dentist but I officially love this team now, I will be recommending it to family, friends and all those who read this review.

Sedation for Appointment

£350 per hour

