

A dental veneer is an ultra-thin shell of tooth-coloured porcelain or composite that is cemented over the facial surfaces of your teeth to correct dental issues including worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing, tooth discoloration, and chips or cracks.

Although veneers fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry because they help makeover smiles with beautifully aligned, shapely teeth, they also boast protective qualities and may eliminate the need for more extensive treatments.



The dental veneer procedure can often be completed in two visits over the course of six weeks. The visits are comprehensive and may require several hours of examination and tooth preparation.

The diagnostic and examination phase of treatment is essential and identifies any oral health concerns that must first be addressed before veneer placement. Your dentist also will work with you to select the best tooth color for you from a special shade chart. Imaging technologies can provide you with a preview of your expected results, and before and after images can allow you to view other successful cases. Treatment begins when the examination is completed and the customized plan designed.

There are several steps in the procedure. First, your dentist will likely administer a local anesthetic so you will be comfortable during tooth preparation and placement of the veneer. Your natural tooth is then prepared by minimally reshaping it with a small handheld rotational cutting device called a bur to provide the best fit. Burs come in various shapes and sizes and allow precise and minimal shaping of a tooth prior to placement.

If your treatment involves direct composite resin veneers, your dentist then will apply the appropriately shaded composite to your teeth, shape the material and harden it using a high intensity light. Additional layers of composite may be applied to build the veneer to the correct shape, length and form for your smile. When all composite is placed, the veneers will be finished and polished using burs and polishers to create a vital and lifelike smile.

If your treatment requires porcelain veneers, your dentist will make an impression of your teeth from which a mold of your mouth will be made. This impression may be sent to an outside dental laboratory where the veneers will be professionally fabricated. Some dentists have an in-house dental laboratory and technicians to provide restorative and esthetic treatments in less time. Other dentists have chairside CAD/CAM technology and may fabricate the veneer in one visit.

Benefits with Dental Concepts

  • When it comes to confidence in your smile, there’s no better reason to consider veneers. Don’t hide your smile away at photos anymore. Don’t cringe at your social media profile pictures. The benefits of veneers are far and beyond healthy teeth.
  • Benefits of getting your veneers with Dental Concepts include durability, an improved smile appearance, and the need for little-to-no removal of tooth structure compared to crowns. (There are even veneer variants that require no preparation of the underlying teeth.)
  • We have the latest and very attractive ‘prepless’ veneers. These require minimal or no tooth grinding.
  • Our team is dedicated to helping patients achieve their best smiles through porcelain veneers and other cosmetic dentistry services.

Detailed Description

Porcelain veneers can help restore a smile from slight chips, cracks, and discoloration. If you have ever felt self-conscious about your smile, it may be time to set up a consultation with one of our dentists.

  1. Dental Veneers Can Cover Chips, Cracks, and Discoloration
    Porcelain dental veneersare able to fix small cosmetic issues that are visible when you smile or talk. During a dental consultation, your dentist will be able to determine if you’re a likely candidate for veneers. For example, your dentist may recommend veneers for teeth to close slight gaps between your front teeth.
  2. Dental Veneers Require Little Enamel Removal
    Once enamel wears away, it’s gone for good. Fortunately, veneers only require a thin layer to be removed. Since the veneers process is noninvasive, you may not even need anesthesia for any part of it.
  3. Dental Veneers Can Prevent Tooth Discoloration
    By practicing good oral hygiene and being conscious of the foods you eat, you can help your veneers last for years to come.  If you take good care of your veneer teeth, you can expect them to last about 10 years.
  4. Dental Veneers Can Increase Confidence in Your Smile
    The veneers procedure takes two trips to our office. Your dentist will then make sure the tooth restoration matches the color of your natural enamel. . We may slightly adjust the fit of the veneers so they look and feel natural. At the end of the process, you’ll have a beautiful new smile!
  5. Dental Veneers are Low Maintenance
    While veneers are stain-resistant, you’ll still need to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily to maintain good oral health. Since dental veneers are non-porous, they are able to resist permanent stains and cavities better than natural tooth enamel. In other words, minimal effort is needed to maintain veneers!
  • When it comes to confidence in your smile, there’s no better reason to consider veneers. Don’t hide your smile away at photos anymore. Don’t cringe at your social media profile pictures. The benefits of veneers are far and beyond healthy teeth.
  • Benefits of getting your veneers with Dental Concepts include durability, an improved smile appearance, and the need for little-to-no removal of tooth structure compared to crowns. (There are even veneer variants that require no preparation of the underlying teeth.)
  • We have the latest and very attractive ‘prepless’ veneers. These require minimal or no tooth grinding.
  • Our team is dedicated to helping patients achieve their best smiles through porcelain veneers and other cosmetic dentistry services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Porcelain and composite bonding are the most common veneer materials. Composite veneers are made of a resin that is shaped and bonded to a tooth to enhance the appearance. Porcelain veneers are usually made in a lab and are more resistant to staining, compared to other materials.

Ask your prosthodontist which option is best for you.  If the needed changes are minor and the teeth function properly, cosmetic bonding is an appropriate choice.  If teeth are spaced, broken, dark, and/or the patient clenches or grinds their teeth, then porcelain veneers may be the preferred option.

Dental veneers are a great solution for people with discolored, worn down, chipped, misaligned, spaced, uneven or irregularly shaped front teeth.

The preparation of veneers preserve the most amount of tooth structure, as very little needs to be removed.  They can improve the appearance of your teeth, and gum tissues respond well to dental veneers.  The color can be custom selected, and in the case of porcelain veneers they are stain resistant.

If you have stained or chipped teeth, you might be interested in veneers as they will cover up your existing teeth.They are also a popular treatment for smile makeovers or for individuals who want their dream smile.

Typically, a veneer lasts approximately 5-10 years. They do not require any special care other than regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the prosthodontist. If they are properly cared for then they can last much longer. Professional cleanings every 6 months and yearly exams are highly recommended.

A prosthodontic consultation is needed to determine how many veneers are required or if veneers are the best option. It is a good idea to have an even number of veneers. Two, four, eight, ten or twelve veneers give the best aesthetic results.

A digital smile preview can be made by taking a picture of the patient’s face and digitally editing the teeth.  This will give a patient a very good idea of the aesthetic outcome and help them determine if veneers are right for them. 

Typically patients are numb for the veneering process. There should be no pain during the procedure once numbness takes effect. With smaller cases (two or four veneers) there will be very little or no discomfort after the numbness subsides. Patients should expect some soreness of the gums and possibly the jaw in cases that involve eight or more veneers.

You can eat most foods but each patient has a different bite. Therefore, we recommend eating softer foods the first few days until the patient gets used to the new bite position. After several weeks there is no limitation unless your case has specific needs. The most common foods to avoid are: ice, hard biscuits, hard candy, caramel apples, hard nuts, pumpkin seeds, and popcorn.

Stop all bad teeth habits immediately, such as nail biting, straw chewing, fork nibbling, opening bags with teeth, pulling on clothing or gloves with teeth, and anything that will put undue stress on the veneers.

Try not to panic. Sometimes this happens, although it’s rare. Please try to save the veneer. Do NOT use crazy glue. Please call our office and they should try to get you in as soon as possible. Your tooth may be sensitive to cold foods or liquids when the veneer is off.

Yes! You can brush all your teeth the same way. You can floss all the veneered teeth and you should continue your regular hygiene appointments as you have in the past.

Quick tips or care instructions for the treatment.

How do I care for my veneers?

Brushing two times each day for two minutes, flossing daily, and wearing a bite guard at night are great ways to protect the veneers. It is also beneficial to avoid eating very hard foods like almonds, or cracking shells with the front veneers.  

mangesh ghate

May 14, 2020 via Google

Very professional and best in class service guaranteed. Well trained and lovely staff who are treating thier patients with love and care. Great work!!

Jack Pitt

February 20, 2020 via Google

very very happy with the service received. I had the Invisalign treatment and nothing but professional service and the after care is even better. Couldn’t be happier and have recommended to everyone I know!!!

michelle moore

February 18, 2020 via Google

Dr Manish and his team at Dental Concepts have gone the extra mile to help me with my dental problems. All the staff have been friendly and efficient, but Dr Manish in particular, has displayed the quality skills of a surgeon with a kindness of heart that is rarely seen these days. A thorough examination awaits you in an immaculately clean and well presented, state of the art practice. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Michelle Moore.

Lucy Harris

December 22, 2019 via Google

Recently my 62 year old ‘milk tooth’ broke off leaving me with the dread of having the root taken out. Manish was amazing, knowing me from previous treatments, he explained that he would build a new tooth on the remains of my old one. The work was done in an hour, the result was amazing, I couldn’t tell the difference from the one next to it. No pain, no stress and truly wonderful just before Christmas to have my smile back. Manish is an amazing person and outstanding dentist. I have no hesitation in recommending the services of Dental Concepts to anyone, especially nervous patients or anxious patients.

Laura Leadbeater

November 28, 2019 via Google

Had an implant fitted and cannot be more happier with my wellbeing & confidence – Superb service! 😀 Great team Xx

Michael S C Herbert

November 20, 2019 via Google

Phoned in an emergency after extreme pain and my regular dentist not caring that 4 more days was unmanageable, having rang several others that only seemed concerned about booking me in for a check. To my delight and suprise this was no problem for them. Their only concern was that I was in extreme pain and despite anti biotics and pain killers this had not subsided for 72 hours, I was asked to come in immediately for an x ray and immediate extraction. No one like the dentist but I officially love this team now, I will be recommending it to family, friends and all those who read this review.