Root Canal

£350 onwards

Tooth decay (cavity) if left untreated,  gradually leads to destroying a significant portion of our tooth. Once the infection reaches the base of the tooth resulting in ‘tooth pain’, it can only be saved by performing a specialised treatment called the root canal. 

At Dental Concepts, our objective is to save your badly damaged or infected tooth with a root canal procedure using advanced technology to ensure minimal pain, instead of removing it permanently.



Root canal therapy is done in three steps, and it may take more than one session to complete the process depending on the complications.

  1. Cleaning the root canal
    First, the Dental Concepts dentist cleans the root canal. Under the influence of local anaesthesia, the dentist makes a small access hole on the surface of the tooth and removes the diseased and dead pulp tissue.
  2. Filling the root canal
    As the next step, the dentist cleans and shapes the hollow area. Later, the tooth is filled with a rubber-like material, using adhesive cement to seal the canals completely. Please note that post the root canal treatment, the tooth is dead hence the patient will no longer feel any pain in that tooth as the nerve tissue has been removed.
  3. Adding a crown or filling
    The tooth will now be more fragile and in time, the tooth may become more brittle. A crown or filling offers protection to such a tooth. The treatment timeline may vary depending on the complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Root canal treatment, also referred to as endodontics , is a procedure to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The term “root canal” comes from cleaning of the canals inside a tooth’s root.

Once the tooth gets infected, it may gradually lead to an abscess. Root canal treatment allows you to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth however if the treatment is not carried out in time, the infection may spread resulting in tooth extraction.

At Dental Concepts, we administer local anaesthesia and use advance technology  to ensure that the pain is minimal.

Our primary objective is to save the tooth. Therefore, we focus on treating the infected area by removing the infection through root canal treatment.  Once the root is cleaned, we put in a temporary filling to ensure that the tooth is allowed to settle before permanently filling it up.

Please note that root canal treatment may involve more than one visit to your Dentist.

At Dental Concepts, we use latest and advanced technology to make sure that following the root canal treatment, your tooth/teeth match the shade of your original tooth/teeth.

Dental hygiene is extremely important to ensure that the infection doesn’t recur at all. Most root canal treatments are successful and do not cause re-infection. However, if the same tooth gets infected again, root canal treatment can be repeated to save the tooth.

Once the tooth is infected, we recommend root canal treatment to ensure that the infection doesn’t affect your other teeth or cause an abscess. The only alternative is to extract the tooth, however at Dental Concepts, we recommend retaining as many natural teeth as possible.

We suggest that you book your free consultation (link) with the Dental Concepts Dentist to understand the process and get a complete consultation and treatment plan.

Your treated tooth has to be maintained the same way as your other tooth.  Please brush your teeth at least once a day and reduce sugary products only to mealtimes, if possible. Visit your Dental Concepts Dentist for a regular dental hygiene check-up for follow up.

To prevent infections, tooth decay, and gum disease, Dental Concepts Dentists insist on

  • Annual dental check-up and cleaning
  • Brushing teeth twice a day
  • Using toothpaste that contains fluoride and a suitable toothbrush
  • Flossing to clean between the teeth and prevent the buildup of plaque
  • Avoiding sugary drinks and foods, and following a healthy diet.

mangesh ghate

May 14, 2020 via Google

Very professional and best in class service guaranteed. Well trained and lovely staff who are treating thier patients with love and care. Great work!!

Jack Pitt

February 20, 2020 via Google

very very happy with the service received. I had the Invisalign treatment and nothing but professional service and the after care is even better. Couldn’t be happier and have recommended to everyone I know!!!

michelle moore

February 18, 2020 via Google

Dr Manish and his team at Dental Concepts have gone the extra mile to help me with my dental problems. All the staff have been friendly and efficient, but Dr Manish in particular, has displayed the quality skills of a surgeon with a kindness of heart that is rarely seen these days. A thorough examination awaits you in an immaculately clean and well presented, state of the art practice. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Michelle Moore.

Lucy Harris

December 22, 2019 via Google

Recently my 62 year old ‘milk tooth’ broke off leaving me with the dread of having the root taken out. Manish was amazing, knowing me from previous treatments, he explained that he would build a new tooth on the remains of my old one. The work was done in an hour, the result was amazing, I couldn’t tell the difference from the one next to it. No pain, no stress and truly wonderful just before Christmas to have my smile back. Manish is an amazing person and outstanding dentist. I have no hesitation in recommending the services of Dental Concepts to anyone, especially nervous patients or anxious patients.

Laura Leadbeater

November 28, 2019 via Google

Had an implant fitted and cannot be more happier with my wellbeing & confidence – Superb service! 😀 Great team Xx

Michael S C Herbert

November 20, 2019 via Google

Phoned in an emergency after extreme pain and my regular dentist not caring that 4 more days was unmanageable, having rang several others that only seemed concerned about booking me in for a check. To my delight and suprise this was no problem for them. Their only concern was that I was in extreme pain and despite anti biotics and pain killers this had not subsided for 72 hours, I was asked to come in immediately for an x ray and immediate extraction. No one like the dentist but I officially love this team now, I will be recommending it to family, friends and all those who read this review.

Single rooted tooth


Premolar tooth


Molar tooth
