Sedation & Dental Phobia

$11.11 onwards

Is there anything that can help me with my fear of the dentist?

Yes. Some people are so frightened of the dentist that they will not go for dental treatment. They can overcome their fears with relaxation or sedation. 


Is there anything that can help me with my fear of the dentist?

Yes. Some people are so frightened of the dentist that they will not go for dental treatment. They can overcome their fears with relaxation or sedation. Our dentists are sympathetic about these feelings, and you can ask our dentists about these ways to help.

What is sedation?

We offer an intravenous or IV sedation. This is given by injection, either in the back of your hand or in your arm. The dose will depend on the amount of treatment needed and the length of time it will take to complete.

How will IV sedation in the surgery affect me?

You become drowsy and unaware of any treatment, but you are still able to co-operate with the dentist. The effects of sedative medicine take some time to wear off and your dentist will tell you how long the drugs will take to clear from your body. You won’t be able to drink alcohol, drive or work machinery during this time.

What else can help?

You can be helped to feel relaxed by ‘relative analgesia’ sometimes known as inhalation sedation. This means breathing in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen (‘laughing gas’) which quickly leads to a pleasant, relaxed feeling. The dentist puts you at ease at the same time, by talking softly and suggesting what you feel. You remain conscious all the time, although you may be a little drowsy, and any treatment given causes you no discomfort. You breathe in the mixture through a nosepiece, which is very comfortable. You can’t overdose on the gas, as the mixture quickly leaves the body if you breathe in one or two breaths of ordinary air. There are no after-effects either, and you can drive a car after about 15 minutes. Many dentists use this safe and effective technique.

How does relaxation work?

When we are faced with a challenge or something we’re afraid of, such as a visit to the dentist, our bodies produce substances, which raise our anxiety. However, we can train our bodies to work against this anxiety, by learning to relax. It’s not possible to be anxious and relaxed at the same time, so learning relaxation helps control our anxiety.

As a very nervous patient I was made to feel very welcome. The treatment was explained to me and the dentist has helped with longterm treatment to stop my problem getting worse. I am really impressed with the practice and have recommended it to friends

Being a nervous pt, I appreciate the personal service, and feel thatShilpa doesn’t rush me into treatments without ne feeling ready. 

Incognito braces are suitable for all age groups, children, adolescents and adults who want to correct their tooth position. Our orthodontist will be glad to provide you with more information. In most cases people opt for Incognito braces as they do not want their braces to be visible for professional or aesthetic reasons.

Our braces have a unique design and fit. The bracket bases are contoured to hug the lingual (tongue-side) surfaces of your teeth for optimal comfort, fit and performance. They have a very low profile so they are less likely to interfere with your speech. Special custom made arch wires are precisely programmed with your unique prescription to ensure efficient, effective tooth movement.

The Incognito braces are 100% customised to deliver specific results for each patient. Your orthodontist determines your treatment plan and then your braces are custom made just for you. We use the latest CAD/CAM, rapid prototyping and robotic technologies to fabricate your braces with your unique treatment prescription built in.

Treatment time varies by each individual patient and the amount of work required to align the teeth. Due to the advanced technology in the customised brackets, precise bracket placement and precision bent wires, your teeth will move in the most efficient manner possible.

As with traditional braces, every person reacts differently. However, most patients do not experience a speech impediment. Those patients who do experience a minor speech impediment during the first couple of weeks find that this improves with each passing day. Our experienced orthodontists can also provide you with speech exercises.

For the first two weeks after your braces are put on, your tongue, lips and teeth may be sore, just as they would be with traditional braces. You will be given instructions from our orthodontists as to how to care for and adjust to your new braces.

This will depend on your individual treatment needs and length of treatment required, but treatments can start from just £2,500 per arch.

Enlighten Teeth Whitening Demonstration

Dr Manish Chitnis, principal Dentist, Dental Concepts, explains the premium teeth whitening system, Enlighten Smiles. It is one of the best teeth whitening systems available and includes a combination of home and in office whitening. It is guaranteed to give some amazing results.