Teeth Shaping

In today’s world, virtual meetings and interactions are increasingly becoming popular. As a result, many people are working towards getting that perfect and confident smile.

Tooth reshaping is one of the many ways to improve the appearance of your smile. The procedure is fast, simple and less invasive, it is the recommended treatment when minor changes are required.

The ideal candidates for Tooth Reshaping are those with

  • Loss of enamel or when the tooth pulp is too close to the surface
  • Existing teeth sensitivity
  • Minor chipping at the edges of the teeth
  • Minor crowding or malposition of the teeth
  • Finishing touch after braces removal



After your initial consultation, if you are a suitable candidate for Tooth reshaping the Dentist will explain the customised treatment plan for you. The dentist may remove a small amount of enamel from your tooth using paper discs to allow us to sculpt the enamel and start the crafting of the desired shape.

We are always looking to provide our patients with the most confident smile they can have, a process such as this is ideal for chipped, cracked or misaligned teeth and we can avoid larger, unnecessary procedures which in our mind is always a better solution.

Teeth Contouring/reshaping is often used after teeth straightening to further enhance the appearance of your smile or when veneers are used on the top teeth and only minor adaptations are needed to the bottom.

The Tooth reshaping journey includes:

  1. The first step involves X-rays and an initial Consultation to evaluate treatment suitability, which includes an assessment of the bone density.
  2. Detailing the customised treatment plan and timeline involved.
  3. The Dentist may remove a small amount of enamel from the patient’s tooth to sculpt the enamel and start crafting the desired shape.
  4. Designing the teeth and perfectly reshaping them as per the expectations
  5. Check of all the alignment and proper bite is maintained
  6. You leave Dental Concepts… but with a beautiful, confident smile!


Tooth reshaping is advantageous and extremely wallet-friendly. Apart from that, the other benefits are:

  • Reshaped teeth are easy to clean
  • Ensure improved oral hygiene
  • Lower the risk of tooth decay
  • Easy to floss and brush
  • Repair minor biting issues
  • Teeth look natural and healthy

Frequently Asked Questions

All the FAQs for the treatment.

The teeth may be redeemed by the bonding and extraction process that enhances the general appearance of the teeth.

The process can be completed the same day hence immediate results is the biggest advantage. Walk-in with concern and walk out with the perfect smile at the Dental Concepts CLinic. The process is least invasive and hence results in limited pain. Another significant advantage of the tooth contour and reshaping process is that it’s permanent.

Tooth reshaping is a less time-consuming process that may be done to fix cosmetic issues like irregular form and long or short teeth. The depth of the tooth is all about 2.58 mm and throughout the procedure, some component of the tooth has been removed that might lead to tooth sensitivity. The tooth ought to be guarded following the process from abrasive forces.

Reshaped and bonded teeth need aftercare to keep their attractive appearance. Harm and discolouration may be the topmost if people are in the habit of biting nails, sucking candy, chewing teeth, biting pens, and opening the containers with teeth. A regular dental check-up at the Dental Concepts, brushing and flossing teeth are some of the routine things one must follow. Avoid drinks like red wine, coffee, and tea which contain resins that might stain the tooth.

Individuals with chipped teeth, the gap between the teeth and jagged teeth are ideal candidates for this treatment. Dental contouring makes a big impact on teeth alignment and builds an individual’s confidence.

The extraction process soothes and moisturizes the outer surface of the teeth that in turn boosts dental hygiene. The tooth will appear more attractive after the process without matched or grooved construction.

The reshaped teeth need appropriate care following the procedure to keep up the enhanced look.

  • The recontoured enamel is in danger of flaking and discolouration therefore, patients must avoid chewing gums, eating hard foods, and opening the containers together with the teeth.
  • Following the recontouring, the patients must brush twice a day to keep the teeth free of stains.
  • Some drinks like tea, coffee, and red wine include resin. These can irritate the teeth and ideally must be avoided.

mangesh ghate

May 14, 2020 via Google

Very professional and best in class service guaranteed. Well trained and lovely staff who are treating thier patients with love and care. Great work!!

Jack Pitt

February 20, 2020 via Google

very very happy with the service received. I had the Invisalign treatment and nothing but professional service and the after care is even better. Couldn’t be happier and have recommended to everyone I know!!!

michelle moore

February 18, 2020 via Google

Dr Manish and his team at Dental Concepts have gone the extra mile to help me with my dental problems. All the staff have been friendly and efficient, but Dr Manish in particular, has displayed the quality skills of a surgeon with a kindness of heart that is rarely seen these days. A thorough examination awaits you in an immaculately clean and well presented, state of the art practice. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Michelle Moore.

Lucy Harris

December 22, 2019 via Google

Recently my 62 year old ‘milk tooth’ broke off leaving me with the dread of having the root taken out. Manish was amazing, knowing me from previous treatments, he explained that he would build a new tooth on the remains of my old one. The work was done in an hour, the result was amazing, I couldn’t tell the difference from the one next to it. No pain, no stress and truly wonderful just before Christmas to have my smile back. Manish is an amazing person and outstanding dentist. I have no hesitation in recommending the services of Dental Concepts to anyone, especially nervous patients or anxious patients.

Laura Leadbeater

November 28, 2019 via Google

Had an implant fitted and cannot be more happier with my wellbeing & confidence – Superb service! 😀 Great team Xx

Michael S C Herbert

November 20, 2019 via Google

Phoned in an emergency after extreme pain and my regular dentist not caring that 4 more days was unmanageable, having rang several others that only seemed concerned about booking me in for a check. To my delight and suprise this was no problem for them. Their only concern was that I was in extreme pain and despite anti biotics and pain killers this had not subsided for 72 hours, I was asked to come in immediately for an x ray and immediate extraction. No one like the dentist but I officially love this team now, I will be recommending it to family, friends and all those who read this review.