Tracy Harrison’s Story At Dental Concepts

One of our very first Smile Makeover Patients, Tracy talks about her story of the makeover that has changed her life forever.

Tracy visited Dental Concepts in 2012 and after a comprehensive consultation with Dr Manish Chitnis, went ahead with her complete smile makeover. She is a different person today, all confident and more social than before.

My Experience At Dental Concepts

“Having suffered damage to my teeth in a riding accident at an early age, I’ve had composite fillings applied to my two upper front teeth on several occasions. Unfortunately these fillings chipped regularly, and became a source of much frustration to me.

Having decided to change dentist in April 2012, I attended my first inspection with Dr. Manish Chitnis and Dr. Shilpa Chitnis at Dental Concepts Whitchurch. During this first visit, I enquired about having veneers fitted to my front teeth.

Manish took the time to explain the available options and asked whether I had considered having additional work carried out on more than just my two front teeth. Manish explained the benefits of a more permanent result which could be achieved by further teeth being worked on in terms of balancing the size and shape of my teeth and also to correct my bite. This procedure was referred to as a ‘smile makeover.’

Manish clearly explained all the stages of the process and I decided to take the first step towards a new smile, comfortable in the knowledge that I was able to view my potential smile before I committed to any major treatment being carried out.

Having taken several impressions, Manish and his team were able to produce a model of what my teeth would look like if I underwent the procedure. I was so impressed with the result that I decided to proceed with the full smile makeover.

The procedure required several visits to the dentist for preparatory work to be carried out, during which time I was reassured at all times by the professionalism of Manish and his dental nurse, Nikki. They were able to answer all of my questions and constantly checked on my comfort throughout the course of the treatment.

I always thought that any sort of makeovers are really just for ‘celebrities’. However, having seen my before and after photos I wished a dentist had been sufficiently interested and qualified to offer this ‘smile makeover’ to me earlier.

Previously, I’d always had a problem with smiling for photographs and when meeting new people because of my teeth. Now, with my new smile, I have a lot more confidence and feel that this will no longer be a problem in the future.

I would like to thank Manish, Shilpa, Nikki and the team at Dental Concepts for their care and consideration when treating me as an individual rather than just another set of teeth.”

Tracy Harrison