White Fillings

If the decay is not too serious, our cosmetic dentist will remove all the decay and restore the tooth with a white (tooth coloured) filling.

Our dentists can safely replace silver amalgam fillings with white tooth coloured fillings. smile.

If the decay is not too serious, our cosmetic dentist will remove all the decay and restore the tooth with a white (tooth coloured) filling.
Our dentists can safely replace silver amalgam fillings with white tooth coloured fillings.
Dental decay happens when the enamel and dentine of a tooth become softened by acid attack, producing a cavity (hole).
More about decay detection in our Preventive Dentistry section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Talk of the town

Our objective is simple -ensure happy customers. Over the last 10years, we are proud to have brought more than
20,000 plus smiles on happy faces across the UK and India. Moreover, we have helped our patients address dental
problems like cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath, which, if unattended, impacts an individual’s overall
confidence, mental and emotional health. And their smiles are our awards.